Saturday, 19 December 2009

My First Blog.

I decided I would create a blog, I've done this for two reasons;
1) To follow Dykadellic! and
2) Because it looks fun,

so here I go. (I would like to apologize  in advance for poor grammar and spelling):
It is 5 days until the night before Christmas, excited or?? Very! I love Christmas, but I hate the cold, as I often have to tell my best friend Tom, I hate the cold, I'm a warm person :) which is true, so some extent. This week is going to be very busy for me, Tomorrow I am going to my cousins house in Ottery, Exeter. I'm going with my sister Tina, to see my cousins new baby, her son and her new home, so should be very fun, Monday I am working all day, then shopping for the last of my friends Christmas presents. Tuesday and Wednesday are my busiest on Tuesday I am working all day then having Louisa, David and Tash round for Christmas drinks and fun, We will then exchange Christmas presents and pass out in the early hours of the morning, Wednesday we have decided to have a 'Glee' day and watch every episode back to back, then who ever wants to come, will go clubbing on that night. I also have my nan down from The Midlands on Tuesday night, so this will be interesting mixing my friends and family, This brings us to Christmas Eve, the chances of me having to work are high, and I really don't want to, as I am a Christmas whore and like to soak up as much Christmas as I can before it is gone...

This is all I want to say, Speak soon. xoxo

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